
Since you have landed on this page, I can safely assume that you are considering throwing a birthday party for your kid. When I start planning about my son’s birthday, so many details crop up in my mind at once. The cake, invites, party decor, games, return gifts, theme and the list goes on. The first time I planned.. I went crazy. Then I started to write everything down. This day is special not just for your kid but for you too. so , relax and have fun planning. I have got this for you.

Step 1: Set a birthday party budget

I am strictly against throwing a big, extravagant party where I have to cater the grown ups, looking after them while the kids just sit and eat. This is not fun. Birthday parties need not be expensive. Keep a budget in mind and try to minimize the cost.

  • Venue : I plan most of the birthdays at home. So, no expense there. I try to minimize guest list because everyone can’t be accommodated at home. But, if you dont want to mess up your home, or for whatever reason, you can book some farm or playareas or banquets. Please check my themes section, where you can find plenty of ideas.
  • Return Gifts: you can give some activity made party favors as return gifts. This way kids wont go empty handed and it wont cost you a single rupee. Alternatively, you can give some meaningful gift such as a photo of the kids enjoying the party, framed. This costs far less than some game or toy. Please click here for more return gift ideas.
  • Party decor : these can be made at home with cardboards, thermocol sheets, hard paper, ribbons, balloons. No need to spend a fortune on something which will only be torn afterwards. But this can only be done if you have ample time on hand

Step 2: Create the guest list

The number and kind of guests you want to invite directly impacts the kind of party you will have. But determining a guest list can be tricky.

Rule of thumb – are your kid’s friends old enough to take care of themselves in the restroom and eat without making their clothes dirty? If your answer is yes, then please congratulate yourself. You can simply have a kids only party. For younger kids, you need to invite their moms or guardians too. 

Now, for younger kids, you must invite their parents. Also, young ones don’t have any best friends or a close circle of friends. 

  • Option 1 – So, you can ask their class teacher, the list of names with whom your kid speaks or sits with. 
  • Option 2 – You can even invite the whole class if your budget and venue permits. 
  • Option 3 –  Or, you can invite kids of same gender only. 

Any way you choose, parents are by default invited. So head count increases.

For older kids (age group 7 and above) it’s a whole new game. You need not invite their parents. But how to choose how many kids to call over. This also depends upon your budget. 

  • Option 1- With a reasonable amount, you can  call the whole class over. 
  • Option 2 – If not, ask your kid, who he/she wants to invite. 

See. sorted.

P.S. In India, it is almost mandatory to invite kid’s relatives. Nana , Nani, Dada, Dadi, Mausi, Mama, Chacha, Tau and so on. But its solely up to you and the environment at your home.


  1. Do you need to reciprocate birthday party invitations? 

Certainly not. If Aryan invited the whole class and your kid attended, it doesn’t mean you HAVE to invite Aryan if you are not inviting the whole class. Just invite a crowd that you are equipped to handle.

2. When and who not to exclude?

If your inviting the whole class barring 2-3 kids, please don’t do so. Imagine if your kid was one being left out when whole class is invited. Please invite these 2-3 kids also.

3. What to do if there is a kid in class with special needs?

If there is some kid with special needs, don’t leave him thinking you won’t be able to handle him/her. Call his/her mom to let her know about the party theme and activities and ask what you can do to help take care of the kid, at the party. You may also call his/her mom over.

Step 3 : Set a party date and time

Usually this is the easy part. Date is the birthdate itself.


  • For younger kids, with parents also coming, you can host a dinner party. Or an evening 5-7 party, if it’s a school week.
  • For older kids, afternoon parties work best. After school, 4-6 pm worked every time for me.

You can even consult 1-2 guests for suitable timings.


  1. How long the party should be?

Please, please, please don’t make it too long. It becomes boring even if it started out fun. Keep a short time frame and wrap it up while everyone is still having a good time. Generally, 2 -3 hour long sounds good enough.

Step 4: Pick a Theme

This is my favourite part. My kid’s birthday comes in February. But, I keep my ears and eyes open all year long. Whatever clicks! Party activities and timeline will be centered around the theme only. You can even search for a list of activities and games kids can do at a party.

Please go to the themes page to find some awesome ideas for every age group.

Step 5: Birthday party details

  1. Food

People tend to spend lot of money on party food and majority of it goes to waste. Please don’t do so. Try to host the party at a time, when you won’t have to make a complete meal. Kids love snacks and finger foods. Click here to look at food ideas.

2. Birthday invite

E-invite. Sounds good? Yeah. easy to create and send.

But sometimes,  I like to make invites by hand and have Kabir give them personally in class. These really make the party special. Please click here to look at some of the invites I made.

3. Party decor

It wont look like a party without the decor. Balloons are the most important thing. Then a banner, handmade chart papers, thermocol sheets and voila. Inexpensive and easy party decor. Click here to look at the decor ideas.

4. Return gifts

As, I have already mentioned before, these may determine a major part of your budget. So, try to find some inexpensive favours. Click here to know more about return gifts

5. Cake

Don’t forget the cake. If you can bake a cake at home, kudos to you lady. Or try to order a cake which will go with the theme. I usually end up ordering Kabir’s current favourite character’s cake. It has ranged from Tom & Jerry, Doraemon, Ben 10, Pokemon to Avengers now.

Thats it. Now go have some fun..

I hope you find my website resourceful and have a gala time at the party. Please don’t forget to give some comments (or compliments) below.